I've Got a Domain Name--
Now What???
by Jean Bedord
Setting up your own domain and website without a readily available office expert can be challenging, even for the technically savvy. You have to choose from multiple options, from simple to complex, to configure web technology to meet your needs. Individually, each software component is not difficult. It's the oh-so-important details involved in putting them together that can be problematic.
This book is your guide to the many technology tools that can be utilized to build your web presence. Stages from registering a domain name to creating a website and utilizing your domain for email and internet marketing are outlined.
Top 5 things the reader will walk away with after reading the book:
1. Set up a domain registration correctly for asset protection, email and a website.
2. Evaluate options for building a website.
3. Become aware of alternative email configurations for domain names.
4. Make their domain and website findable using simple internet marketing techniques.
5. Learn basic online and offline tactics for driving web traffic to their website.
Praise for this book
"A great primer for any person putting up their first web presence or getting familiar with the terminology to make intelligent decisions when working with web design professionals."
Vitaly M. Golomb, CEO, Sputnik Ecommerce
"'I've got a Domain Name-Now What???' helps readers understand why it is important to have a domain for professional and personal pursuits and how to manage the development phase of the process without feeling overwhelmed. Throughout each chapter, Jean breaks the web development tasks into easy to understand steps with realistic time frames for completion. Whether you are considering purchasing a domain name to manage your career, launch a business, or build a specialized community, this book is a 'must read'."
Barbara Safani, CEO, Career Solvers and Author of 'Happy About My Resume'
"This is a great book for anyone who is ready to jump into the online world the right way but doesn't know what they need. Getting free hosting doesn't cut it, and Jean shares with you step-by-step tactics to get your business up and running on the web."
Jason Alba, CEO of JibberJobber.com
"In less than 100 pages author Jean Bedord demystifies website development. The step-by-step action plan outlined in the final chapter alone makes this a 'must have' for getting up and running on the Web."
Cindy Shamel, Shamel Information Services, http://shamelinfo.com
"An invaluable resource to getting your website up the right way the first time."
Kristy Rogers, eWomenNetwork, San Jose http://www.ewomennetwork.com/chapter/sanjose
"Step by step, Jean Bedord will lead you through what you have to do to create and build up your web presence. Jean is a practical and hands-on professional and she knows how to present material in a way that is easy to understand. For the beginner do-it-yourselfer, as well as for someone who wants to know how to talk to outside website developers, Jean has the answers."
Patricia Joseph, CEO, Prospex Information
"If you're a business owner expanding to the web - or someone looking to start a business online - you'll find this book helpful and enlightening. It provides a guide to deciphering the jargon and making the decisions that keep many people from achieving Online Success. Read this book first, then invest in tools and technology that fit your needs. Even if you've been in business online for a while, I recommend you review this book - there are insights you may have missed when you got started."
Jeanette S Cates, PhD, The Technology Tamer (tm) OnlineSuccessCoaching.com & YourInternetStrategist.com
"Getting on the Internet can be a challenge for individuals and small business owners who don't have the luxury of an in-house IT staff who know all of the mysteries of domains and email and web sites. Jean's book answers all the questions you have, and gives you great background for getting your own Internet address - your domain - as well as a professional email. She also tells you what you need to get a web site or blog up and running, and how you can make sure that friends and customers can find you with Google and the other internet search giants.
The book also gives you a task-oriented action plan that takes you through the complete process, so you'll be up and running professionally in minimum time. A great book to keep on the bookshelf!"
Miles Kehoe, President, New Idea Engineering Inc., http://www.ideaeng.com
"This book is clearly, understandably, and straightforwardly written and should be read by anyone who is planning a website. It contains not just information that beginners need, but a lot of practical and valuable information that many people who have had domain names for quite a while may not have considered. It is a quick, easy read with a balanced combination of both the "how's" and the "why's", including a number of important facets that no website builder should risk missing or ignoring. If you are a new or even not-new owner of a domain name, this book will be well worth your time."
Randolph Hock, Ph.D., Online Strategies and Author, http://www.onstrat.com & http://extremesearcher.com/
"This book is very useful for cultivating new clients. Once they understand the steps involved in establishing their web presence, the value of my consulting services is more obvious. They have a better understanding of what they can do themselves, and which services they want to outsource to professionals. We can then talk a common language and get the website they need to support their business much faster".
Pat Wiklund, Consultant, 1personbusiness.com