CUPERTINO, CA (PR Buzz) – May 29, 2014 – "Kimberly Wiefling on Inspired Organizational Cultures" shares how inspired, and inspiring, organizations flourish. Its 140 bite-sized quotes take you on a journey to the roots of your history, define behaviors and practices that will engage your people, and reveal how to design a future together that fulfills your highest purpose. Discover the treasures of your organization’s DNA without being trapped by your past. Explore what matters most - that priceless, yet intangible, essence called "organizational culture" – the invisible water in which you swim. You will emerge as a "DNA & Culture Ambassador", with a deeper understanding of your culture, your people, and your distinct identity as an organization.
Normally $1.99, this book is now available for free for a limited time on the Aha Amplifier: A significant advantage of this book is the ease of sharing the book’s Ahas that resonate with you via your social network on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+.
Becky Robinson, CEO of Weaving Influence says, "I love the Aha Amplifier. I hope authors everywhere will create aha amplifier books to highlight the key ideas from their books. Why? Our society learns from 140 character sound bytes. As fewer people read books, more authors need to share their content in bite-sized bursts. I can't wait to work with every author I know to get their content on the Aha amplifier platform."
Please sign up an account on the Aha Amplifier (, (it's free) and check it out. The Aha Amplifier helps you increase your influence by amplifying and activating quality "Aha" moments! Each Aha is sharable via Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google+, so you can easily share an important idea or statement with thousands (if not millions) of people.
About the Author:
Kimberly Wiefling helps organizations achieve what SEEMS impossible, but is merely difficult. Her first book, Scrappy Project Management,was translated into Japanese by Nikkei Business Press. Scrappy Women in Businesscelebrates women’s contributions to the business world through the power of storytelling, both in the book and on the companion website. A physicist by education, she realized long ago the limits of technology devoid of human skills – the so-called "touchy feely"aspects of working in teams so vital to success, and so frequently overlooked. Kimberly facilitates highly engaging transformational workshops based on what she calls her "Possibilities Toolbox". Her intensive behavior-changing "learning laboratories", which she playfully refers to as "workshocks", directly translate into business results. She’s worked globally with people from over 50 different countries, and her clients include many well-known global brands in a wide variety of industries. Kimberly is passionate about making a meaningful difference by working with organizations committed to solving the problems of Our World – profitably and thus sustainably.
About THiNKaha:
THiNKaha makes it easy to create compelling content that helps to turn corporate experts into recognized thought leaders. THiNKaha services include the Aha Amplifier, thought leadership interviews via Google Hangouts, creating content portals, book publishing, webinar publishing, social media, traditional media coaching and vetted referrals, thought leadership mentoring/coaching, and many other thought leadership services, including the creation and support of corporations’ thought leadership blueprints.
To have us help your corporation amplify its thought leadership, please contact Jenilee Maniti at jenilee.maniti@thinkaha.comor at (408) 257-3000.