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Scrappy Women in Business:
Living Proof that Bending the Rules Isn't Breaking the Law
Paperback: 978-1-60005-185-2 (1-60005-185-5)
eBook: 978-1-60005-186-9 (1-60005-186-3)
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Table of Contents / Contributors |
Part One
We're Not Just In Business, We Mean Business |

1. My Friends Car, the Ladies Room, and Other Career-Boosting Places
Hannah Kain, President & CEO of ALOM, Mentor, Coach, Friend, Supporter, Daughter, Wife, Sister, Aunt, Author, Chief-Jack-of-All-Trades and Chick-in-Charge

2. The Unstoppable Power of Persistence
Yuko Shibata, Strong and Gentle, Small-But-Mighty Executive Director of ALC Education, Inc. of ALC Group, Tokyo, Japan

3. What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?
Pat Obuchowski, CEO (Chief Empowerment Officer!), inVisionaria

4. This Is Your Life - Go For It!
Mai-Huong Le, Business Transformations Extraordinaire
Part Two
Wall? What Wall? Oh, You Mean That Pile of Rubble Behind Me? |

5. Disappearing the Wall of No
Carole Amos, Global Channel Marketing Director, Ironkey, Inc.

6. What Was I Thinking?
Eldette Davie, Ms. You say I cant do what?

7. Riding the Wave
Terrie Mui, Catalyst in Making Visions Possible
Part Three
How to Succeed in Business by Really, Really Trying |

8. Mindset, Baby, Mindset!
Betty Jo Waxman, Scrappy Independent Consultant, Personal & Professional Development Trainer, and Lively Workshop Facilitator

9. You Are If You SAY You ARE!
Julie Castro Abrams, CEO, Womens Initiative for Self Employment

10. Don't Sweat the DowntimeCelebrate!
Nathalie Udo, Scrappy Business and Life Consultant, President, InDepth Strategies, LLC

11. Grace and the Artful Professional
Sue Lebeck, Innovation Advocate
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Scrappy Women in Business
Living Proof that Bending the Rules Isn't Breaking the Law
by Kimberly Wiefling
Although some people make it look easy, the reality is that the path to success is often convoluted and messy. It's tempting to believe that the professionals surrounding us somehow have their act completely together while we lurch fitfully onward, but the real story is often much more complicated and chaotic. This refreshingly honest book provides welcome reassurance for every businesswoman who's ever wondered, "Is it me, or has the whole rest of the company gone nuts?!" Each chapter is a fascinating description of one woman's unlikely journey, and every story is teeming with personal insights and practical tips to encourage you along the way toward your own goals and dreams.
The human side of each achiever comes alive as she shares her challenges, choices and achievements in a "just between us" tone that educates as it entertains.
If you've ever had "one of those days" where your co-workers seemed to grow horns or you were tempted to sink into the icy couch of despair--you are not alone! Once in a while we need to take a well-deserved break. Reading even just one chapter from 'Scrappy Business Women' will refresh your spirit and invigorate you for the next sprint.
If you're a seasoned professional, you'll see your own journey reflected in those of these women. And if you're just starting out on your professional journey, the wisdom in this guide will save you a whole lot of time and aggravation!
Share your own story at the ScrappyWomen.Biz website, which grew out of this 'gal pal' project. Your story, and those of enterprising, determined women like you, will help this collection grow from a trickle of wisdom into a fountain of inspiration from which millions of women will drink, and ultimately a platform from which they gain the courage to leap boldly into their own futures. Please visit and add your story to ours so that, drop by drop, we grow this tiny stream into an ocean of wisdom. Stay Scrappy!
Book Endorsements
"Kimberly Wiefling's delightful Scrappy Women in Business shatters the myth that the road to success depends on careful foresight and planning. By dissecting the diverse paths taken by eleven successful women, this book demonstrates why the virtues of persistence, improvisation, and embracing messiness and unpredictability are hallmarks of great leaders--and why the ability to develop and stick to a master plan is an overrated virtue."
Robert I. Sutton, http://bobsutton.typepad.com/, Stanford Professor and author of Good Boss, Bad Boss: How to Be the Best...and Learn from the Worst.
"Kimberly Wiefling has created a book that should be required for women of all ages...regardless of whether they are self-employed or employees (and, if an employee, regardless of their 'level' within a company). Each woman featured in this book has achieved significant career success (based on their own personal definition of 'success')and never let obstacles deter their journey. During the toughest times, faced with the biggest challenges, they tapped into their creativity, gut, and brains, and pushed through. Even as a successful twenty-year business owner myself, I learned valuable information from each of their stories and was inspired by all of them."
Lisa Orrell, CPC, The Promote U Guru, Branding Expert, Marketing Consultant, Business Coach, Speaker & Author, PromoteUGuru.com.
"Ever have a day when everything goes wrong and you feel lost, defeated, and ready to quit? Well that is when you need to pick up this book and read a chapter. It will energize you with stories of women who faced tough challenges, and beat the odds on their road to success. These stories will save your sanity, keep you afloat and inspire you to pursue your dreams. Keep it handy when you need an energy boost!"
Mala Devlin, Author of The Software Soul.
"Scrappy Women in Business is a terrific shot in the arm of a book for all of us out there building our lives and our careers on the front lines of the 21st Century. The book is an empowering combination of the honest, wise, practical and humorous advice and experiences of a dozen remarkable women. Kimberly's own compelling story unfolds through the commentary she uses to weave together the remarkable stories of her eleven high-achieving colleagues. Here are intriguing examples and very practical advice to encourage you to keep on keeping on, scrappily changing the status quo while living up to your own potential and improving the lives and environment all around you. As Kimberly so aptly sums up in her book, 'Wooo hooo!'"
Leslie Field, Ph.D., Founder and Managing Member of SmallTech Consulting, LLC, Founder and CEO of Ice911 Research Corporation, Consulting Professor in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University.
"You've heard of the theory of "Six Degrees of Separation?" In Silicon Valley I haven't yet been able to make it more than three degrees before people are connected to Kimberly Wiefling. Everyone has a story to tell about Kimberley. Everyone who's been in her sphere of influence."
Sandra A. Clark, Director of Communications, UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley.
Kimberly Wiefling
Kimberly Wiefling is the founder of Wiefling Consulting, and co-founder of Silicon Valley Alliances. She helps individuals, teams and organizations overcome the most predictable and avoidable causes of failure, human beings, through her highly engaging, experiential, interactive "Learning Laboratories", enabling them to fix things that will damage and destroy their company, and survive in a world of disruptive change. She lives in Silicon Valley, and has worked all over the US, Europe and Asia. Her superpower is bringing people together across borders and boundaries of every kind to achieve what seems “impossible”, but is merely difficult. Her first book, Scrappy Project Management, was also published in Japanese. She has edited and co-authored 8 other books and dozens of blogs. Her latest is "Turning Ideas Into Impact – Insights from 16 SV Consultants". Her amazing mentor, Dr. Edgar Schein, wrote the foreword to her company culture workbook, “Inspired Organizational Cultures”. Kimberly strongly believes that companies doing business across borders and boundaries of every kind are a powerful force for peace in Our World. She is committed to supporting purpose-driven organizations in attracting high-quality investors and the best people through the competitive advantage of a healthy organizational culture. Her big dream is that, one day, both investments and workers will preferentially flow to these kinds of organizations instead of the soul-sucking variety, and the sick, twisted, dysfunctional organizations of Our World will wither and die for lack of financial resources and the talented people they've driven away to more life-affirming workplaces . . . for a better world.