THiNKaha: #THINKtweet Book01: Bite-Sized Lessons for a Fast Paced World!


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#Th!nkTweet Book01

Paperback: 978-1-60773-044-6 eBook: 978-1-60773-045-3

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You live in a fast-paced world. Everything around you is changing at a breathtaking speed. You have no choice but to run fast and catch up to stay relevant, survive and thrive. #Th!nkTweet Book01 is an attempt at providing 140 bite-sized lessons for this fast paced world.


Book Endorsements

“Rajesh Setty has captured the spirit of the Twitter age in this compilation of Th!nkTweet that can transform your mindset and give you the extra inspiration you need to accomplish great things.”
@joelcomm New York Times Best Selling Author and Social Media Expert

“Rajesh Setty gives Twitter another dimension: Th!nkTweet ‘Tweets that make you think’. BRILLIANT!”
@Riskin Blogger, best-selling Author, Management Consultant and co-founder of Edge International


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#Th!nkTweet Book01

Bite-sized lessons for a fast paced world.

by Rajesh Setty

You can’t say a lot in 140 characters. Or, that’s what we thought until Twitter came along. Twitter set a new standard to communicate in 140 characters. Brevity is the name of the game. It is timely in a way as everyone in the world is moving at a breathtaking speed and would love to spend “as little time as possible” to get “as much insights as possible.”

This is where #Th!nkTweet Book01: Bite-sized Lessons for a Fast-Paced World comes in. It is a collection of 140 bite-sized lessons that will help you learn and grow. FAST!

#Th!nkTweet Book01 is a book that you can read again and again or simply give this to someone who you know needs it but don’t have the time to read. This is a book you can read in 15 minutes or less but then again, you might want to re-visit again to refresh and re-learn. #ThinkTweet is a gift that you owe to yourself!

Guy Kawasaki wrote the foreword and said that “#Th!nkTweet Book01 is a cool little book filled with twinsights, twumor and twinfluence of Twitter.”


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Book Reviews

I was surprised to find that not only could you say a lot in 140 characters, you could learn ideas and principles that could be just as profound as the ideas found in a book. When a tweet can challenge, irritate, provoke and push you out of your comfort zone, you realize that a lot can be said in 140 characters.”
Joelle Godfrey, Shisso

“This is a great read and written in a very cool way – you see, the book is made up of 140 wonderfully saturated and salient points – just the essence, just the best stuff. Even the Foreword by Guy Kawasaki is written in a 140 character Th!nkTweet.
Lisa Haneberg, Management Craft

Reviews and Press


About the Author


Rajesh Setty
Rajesh Setty


Rajesh Setty is an entrepreneur, author and speaker based in Silicon Valley. He is currently the CEO of Suggestica, Inc and chairman of Jiffle, Inc. He is also involved as a board member, investor and/or advisor in several companies internationally. Setty’s first book was published when he was thirteen. Setty blogs extensively at Life Beyond Code and tweets as @UpbeatNow