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42 Rules for a Web Presence That Wins
(2nd Edition)
Paperback: 978-1-60773-096-5 (1-60773-096-0)
eBook: 978-1-60773-067-5 (1-60773-067-7)
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42 Rules for a
Web Presence That Wins
(2nd Edition)
Table of Contents
Rule 2: Appoint Your Web Ambassador
Rule 12: Consider the Competition
Rule 24: Site Search is Serious Business
Rule 28: Talk to the Buyer Behind the Buyer
Rule 37: Numbers and Testing Trump Politics

Short Summary
This book was created for business owners, executives and managers, associations and nonprofit organizations who want to understand what it takes to create and sustain a successful web presence. It provides a fast, but thought-provoking read that offers a 30,000ft “hawk-eye” perspective, as well as drilling down into the many different considerations for an effective website and social media presence.
The 42 Rules are based on Philippa’s 15plus years of consulting experience and research into what works at a practical level, and are illustrated with real-life ideas and case studies from her clients, colleagues and over thirty contributing experts.
More Advance Praise
"Philippa's rules are very actionable and quickly digested. The tips are
strong and well supported through your stories and experiences. I
always love the type of books that have great factual support rather
than unsupported philosophy."
Keith Burtis, Co-Founder, MeasureMob.com
"42 Rules is a must read for anyone who understands the power and
importance of a web presence. Philippa has given a great resource of
immediately usable ideas to create and keep your brand, and your
web presence strong and profitable. Keep this book on your
desk—you will use it often, as I will."
Dr. Sheila Murray Bethel, Author, A New Breed of Leader
"I love the little chunks where Philippa lays out a concept, cites an
expert, provides an example of someone doing it in real life
successfully, and then wraps up the chapter with what is a reassuring,
'See how easy this is? Now you can do it, too.'"
Beth Cooper-Zobott, Director, Conference Services, Equity
"Philippa Gamse's 42 Rules for a Web Presence That Wins is a much
needed resource; at once practical and philosophical, strategic and
soulful. Think of it as Strunk & White's Elements of Style for the
Internet age—something you can (and will) turn to again and again as
you ponder the how, what, and why's of your web presence and how
to improve it."
Geoff Cline, Esq., Attorney and Sustainable Business Strategist
"Philippa Gamse's book offers associations useful, concrete
information for creating successful websites. There are many 'how-to'
books and articles on websites, but 42 Rules for a Web Presence That
Wins is chock-full of valuable strategies that actually work for
associations of all sizes. I have worked in online communication for
years, yet still found lots of useful information that I plan to incorporate
into my association's web strategy."
Sarah Brachman, Manager of Communications, Independent
Educational Consultants Association
"Philippa Gamse is a leading expert in helping companies fully
leverage the web to grow their businesses. As I've heard her say,
companies every day are leaving money on the table when it comes
to their web strategies.
42 Rules for a Web Presence That Wins is an easy read, and right on
target. This book is a road map for any corporation looking to grow
their business online—which as we know is a make or break issue in
today's technology driven world. If a corporation follows these rules,
their business will grow!"
Stacie Porter Bilger, Co-Founder, IndyWebExperts
42 Rules for a Web Presence That Wins is the perfect book for
business people who want to communicate effective and efficient
Internet sales or service offerings, and obtain results from satisfied
customers. This book focuses the thinking and actions required to
reach and satisfy targeted audiences. As a business executive, allow
me to say, 'Thank you!!'"
William Carper, Chairperson, Indiana District PMA, and Vice
President, Operations, Columbian Home Products
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42 Rules for a
Web Presence That Wins
(2nd Edition)
Essential business strategy for website and social media success
by Philippa Gamse
This book was created for business owners, executives and managers, associations and nonprofit organizations who want to understand what it takes to create and sustain a successful web presence. It's primarily designed for businesses which are not pure e-commerce companies, and that probably don't have the resources to deploy major enterprise software solutions and dedicated in-house technical teams.
The book is about business concepts, issues, strategies and tactics for the Web. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list or review of tools, technologies, platforms, current regulations or any of the other constantly shifting parameters of the online world. Rather, it aims to provide a fast, but thought-provoking read that offers a 30,000 ft "hawk-eye" perspective on the many different considerations for an effective website and social media presence. The book is divided into four main sections:
- Management-level Issues
- Setting Strategy and Tactics
- Creating Content That Makes Connections
- Measuring Results
The 42 Rules are based on Philippa's 15-plus years of consulting experience and research into what works at a practical level, and are illustrated with real-life examples from her clients, audiences and colleagues. Each rule is designed to help readers determine if the issue or idea that's being presented is pertinent to their specific situation. It explains the overall concept, and offers an example, case study, or other ideas from over thirty contributing experts including Rob Siefker, Director of Zappos Customer Loyalty Team, Francoise Gilbert, author of The Global Privacy Book, John Yunker, author of The Art of the Global Gateway, and Dan Burrus, author of Flash Foresight.
Find out how to get a customized edition of the book.
Read the MeetingsNet book review.
Advanced Praise
"The rules may be less important than the examples! Some of the
anecdotes are counter-intuitive and web 'ambassadors' will benefit
simply by asking the questions implied by author Gamse's rules."
Vint Cerf, Internet Pioneer
"A tactical and practical guide to web activities that will help you avoid
the pitfalls and potholes."
Guy Kawasaki, Author, Enchantment: The Art of Changing
Hearts, Minds, and Actions and former Chief Evangelist of Apple
"This gem of 42 nuggets that comprise a powerful web presence
strategy, models what it advocates. It is clear, simple, relevant, and
useful. In her easy to read style, author Gamse takes us through a
well thought out process that covers the entire gamut of what to
consider, where to focus, what traps to avoid, and how to optimize a
web presence for any business.
From the unique notion of a Web Ambassador executive position, to
conscious web visitor segmentation, the book is replete with solid
strategic building blocks; all grounded in the real world experience of
the author and other web luminaries and implementation experts. I
encourage you to read it and then use it, rule by cogent rule."
Ian Browde, Director, Business Development, Endace Ltd.
"I've known Philippa for a decade and a half. We met on the speaking
circuit and I was always impressed by her breadth of knowledge, her
depth of insight, and her pragmatic approach to getting the most for
every marketing dollar spent.
But above all, Philippa delivers such wonderfully practical advice. This
book is packed with scenarios, examples, and good, old fashioned
common sense. Philippa is not wowed by the next new shiny
marketing bauble but is laser-focused on what works, what's tried and
true, and what simply makes sense. Read this book from cover to
cover, but then keep it on hand. Just having it on your desk will make
you a better online marketer."
Jim Sterne, Founder, eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit
and Author, Social Media Metrics
"While 42 Rules for a Web Presence That Wins is an easy, enjoyable
read, it delivers content and sage advice that can profoundly affect the
success of your web presence. Starting with the mantra that 'every
page should have a clear strategy,' Philippa has put together dozens
of gems to help you get more from your web presence and think more
deeply about your business, your customers, and how to approach
them. A must-read in this age of social media."
Dr. Mark S. Albion, Co-Founder, More Than Money Careers LLC,
and former professor, Harvard Business School
"This book is ideal for any company, large or small. Philippa's 42
Rules for a Web Presence That Wins walks you through the key points
and challenges of your website and social media presence.
For larger companies with in-house web teams, Philippa provides an
excellent list of 'checks and balances' for those who might be too
close to their own material, or too used to seeing things from only one
perspective. For smaller companies without dedicated staff, she gives
invaluable information on how to set up and position your web
presence, tell the story behind your business, and clearly deliver your
Darrin Johnston, Senior Vice President, Sales, Meyer
"Truly practical advice for real-world marketers. What I most love
about this book is that it focuses on the office politics, time
management, and measurement battles that every real-world
marketer has to deal with daily.
The problem with social marketing is there's too much hype and
generic 'best practices' that don't help you actually do your job in a
real company. This book goes a long way to solving the problem. In
particular, it contains specific tips for high tech and b2b
marketers—not just for consumer brands!"
Anne Holland, Publisher, WhichTestWon.com
"Philippa cuts through the hype and delivers specific insights on what
it means to deliver a winning web presence. Read. Digest. Act. Win!"
Avinash Kaushik, Author, Web Analytics: 2.0 and Web Analytics:
An Hour a Day
"A simple no nonsense approach to creating more value in your web
Doug Reigle, Chief Operations Officer, Regal Ware, Inc.
"The advice is sound and helpful. Philippa obviously know what she's
talking about, and her experience speaks for itself."
Richard Thieme, Author/Professional Speaker
"I can only wonder how much more quickly and profitably we would
have grown had Philippa Gamse's book been available to read during
our early stages of development. Even now, it's a valuable resource
that I'm making available to my entire Senior Leadership Team."
Jay Steinfeld, Chief Executive Officer, Blinds.com
"This practical book is a must-read for any nonprofit or company that
needs a good roadmap for a winning home base or website in an age
of social media."
Beth Kanter, Co-Author, The Networked Nonprofit
"This book is written in a practical, no nonsense fashion, and flows
between theory and true real life examples constantly and seamlessly.
It's an intelligently written, logical book that is based on experience
and genuine advice. I have firsthand experience of working with
Philippa—I cannot recommend the book or her personally enough."
Sheryl Newman, Director, Appetite (UK)
Philippa Gamse
A Web strategy pioneer, Philippa Gamse has been working with Internet applications since 1991. Originally from the UK, she formed her US-based consulting and speaking practice in 1995. Philippa drills deep into the visitor experience, and creates actionable and specific recommendations for your Web presence. Clients report significant improvement in quality Web traffic, visitor engagement, customer loyalty and qualified sales leads within 30 days of implementing her recommendations. Philippa was the sole featured expert for the cover story on effective Web strategies for UPS Compass Magazine Fall 2009, distributed to more than one million businesses. She is a Certified Management Consultant – an ISO-accredited designation recognized in over 60 countries.
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