| Happy
About® books deliver wisdom. They are smaller, compact, high-impact reads
that are typically 100-150 pages and are delivered in paperback, eBook, or podbook
format. Time to Market: Happy About is approximately 5 times faster (3-4
months vs. 18-24) than a traditional publisher at getting a book to market. This
allows you to deliver your message while it's still germane. Distribution:
Happy About books are available through Amazon (US, UK, France, Germany, and Japan),
BarnesandNoble.com and HappyAbout.com (plus affiliate sites) and through the
largest distributors: Baker & Taylor and Ingram. The eBook is also available
at up to 150 libraries throughout the US and at up to 50 e-tailors. Visit http://www.happyabout.com/
for more info.
