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Success in Business is a Skill that Entrepreneurs can Learn in New Book 'DNA of the Young Entrepreneur'.
Cupertino, CA (PRWEB) December 17, 2008 -- Get the knowledge, attitudes, values, and actions for starting and running a successful small business with the new book, 'DNA of the Young Entrepreneur.' Part philosophy, personal experience, and practical advice from author Sean McCauley show how he went from poverty to wealth. Still in his late 30s, McCauley has started many businesses and is worth millions of dollars.
Successful businessmen and women aren't born with a certain propensity to success. Anyone, even if they're young, can earn their way to wealth. The way to wealth starts personally, with the ideas and habits we all hold. Most narrowly define wealth as being able to buy things: a luxury home, nice cars, and expensive vacations. But wealth is more than a quest for materialism. It doesn't require giving up other important aspects of life. In fact, wealth is a way of living life that goes beyond money, to the foundation of real success.
Now in his late 30s, Sean has become successful in business several times over. He has been named the SBA’s Young Entrepreneur of the year, and recognized as the most successful under 40 in San Francisco. His self-awareness and analytical abilities are clearly described so others can follow.
The book is for anyone young or old, who wants to start their own business and grow it. "Sean gives us a peak into how personal disciplines like the Five F's directly relate to his vision and success in starting and leading profitable businesses. Whether it's growing olives for his emerging oil business or putting in the grueling hours on a bike or running the hills necessary to compete in an Ironman, Sean tackles each new endeavor with a unique passion and intensity," said Ron Bernal, Assistant City Engineer, City of Antioch, CA
It doesn't matter what type of business you want to start. "Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur wondering how to grow a business or homemaker looking for ways to better manage your family, set aside some time, pull out a highlighter and get ready to gain some valuable insight from Sean about how to do life with purpose and expectancy," said Bernal.
Now is an ideal time to start and own a business, but it can also be a frightening time. DNA of the Young Entrepreneur serves as a valuble mentor. Purchase at Happy About, Amazon, and at bookstores everywhere.
Key stats on "You Have the Power!"
- Title: DNA of the Young Entrepreneur
- Subtitle: A Way to Wealth for Young Entrepreneurs
- Author: Sean McCauley
- Date of Publication:
- Price: Hardcover $34.95, eBook $19.95
- ISBN: Hardcover: 978-1-60005-122-7
- ISBN: eBook: 978-1-60005-124-1
- Library of Congress Control Number: 2008936650
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